Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ken Nesbitt, A Reading Nana's Dream!

I was reading nonsense poems to Evie the other day, and came upon this wonderful site by Ken Nesbitt. His work is outstanding and is what inspired me to start writing down all the silly things I say to Evie all day. Kids love anything that rhymes, and Ken even recites some of his best work. Well, I guess I'm assuming it is he who is reciting, but whoever it is, their voice is engaging.

Evie was enthralled and we had to keep playing it over and over. In fact, when I tried to read it to her myself, she said, "No Nana, NO!" She wanted to hear HIM say it.
Ah well, I can still recite Jabberwocky by heart, and she's beginning to say parts of it along with me, her favorite new saying being "Snicker Snack"!

Grab a child or grandchild and a comfortable chair, click on the link, and ENJOY!

Click on the link for tons of poetry fun, including games, contests, discussion forums, and, of course, lots of funny poems!

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