Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Can I Have a Kiss?

"Can I have a kiss?" asked Mommy.
"No thank you" then said I.
"My kisses are saved
For under the waves
Where oysters and mermaids and bubblefish play.
There will be no kisses, no kisses today."

"Can I have a hug?" asks Mommy.
"No thank you" I reply.
"My hugs, I shrug, are saved for the bug
That lives inside the hole I dug.
There will be no hugs", I said so smug.

"Can I have a tickle?" asks Mommy.
"No thank you" I retort.
"My tickles I only give to my pickle
That I keep in a jar along with a nickel.
No, no tickles, I guess I'm fickle."

"Why are you sad dear Mommy?
Why did I hear you sigh?
You seem so sad but I haven't been bad
Not bad, or mad, or sad, I add.
In fact, I think I've been mostly glad!
So why, oh why, are you so sad?"

"Dearest, Oysters and mermaids and fish get kisses,
And bugs get hugs without remisses
And pickles and nickles no tickle dismisses
But me oh my, oh what get I,
My dear little pickle nose girlie pie?
Oh what, oh what get I?"

"I'll get you some kisses dear Mommy,
The oysters and mermaids won't mind.
The bubblefish already gave his away
But I'm sure there's enough for you today
I'll be right back, so please, please stay."

"Then I'll get you some hugs, dear Mommy
As soon as I'm back from the bay.
The bug met a slug in the hole I dug
And now they are planning to cut the rug
So I'll give you a hug all nice and snug,
Wonderful hugs today."

"When the kissing and hugging are over
And you're no longer sighing or sad,
I'll talk to the pickle, and also the nickle,
And they'll let me borrow a super big tickle
Till we laugh so hard the tears will trickle
Down our faces we'll be so glad."

"Well that sounds just awesome my darling,
What a wonderful time we will have.
Why don't we invite
your friends over  tonight?
For Oyster and Mermaid and Bubblefish kisses,
And Big bug hugs with slug slime swishes
And fun pickle tickles along with the nickles?
A grand time we'll have with ice cream dishes!"

"My dear little pickle nose girlie pie,
You light up my world like the sun in the sky.
I must remember whenever I cry
That you are the reason I want to try
To laugh, and jump, and fly so high.
My little pickle nose girlie pie."


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